path: root/requirements.txt
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* slimmed down methods (#4)nico2019-11-081-3/+3
| | | | | | | | * slimmed down config class + add start stop arguments to config class init * update requirements.txt * correctly apply custom timestamp to report functions too * init report methods earlier
* no more direct system callsnico2019-05-221-1/+2
| | | | | | | | * replace system calls to sqlite + add tabulate module to format output * update sql commands with named parameter substitution asd
* Don't set executable bit on documentationHolger Weiss2019-05-151-0/+0
* Initial working commitnico2019-05-141-0/+2
+ python3 ingest and db management + abusereport bash script