# bot credentials login: jid: "james2@example.tld" password: "5up3r 53cr37" nick: "James2" rooms: # "join this room": "redirect to this room" "home@conference.example.tld": "nursing_home@conference.example.tld" messages: # reply to direct messages # {nick}: bot's nickname direct_msg: "I am {nick} only tasked to redirect people. I am a Bot Ding Ding don't reply." # replay to group messages # {user_nick}: joined user's nickname # {new_room}: the configured room the bot points to grp_msg: "{user_nick}, this room is retired please join xmpp:{new_room}?join." # features -- currently todo and not implemented features: # utilize xep 249 direct muc invite direct_invite: false # what to do with the user in the retired room #kick_user: false ban_user: false