# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import defusedxml.ElementTree as Et # XEP-0157: Contact Addresses for XMPP Services class ServerContact: """ plugin to process the server contact addresses from a disco query """ def __init__(self): # init all necessary variables self.possible_vars = ['abuse-addresses', 'admin-addresses', 'feedback-addresses', 'sales-addresses', 'security-addresses', 'support-addresses'] self.contact = None self.target, self.opt_arg = None, None def opt_arg_abbreviation(self): """ optional argument abbreviation function if the provided string > 2 characters the most likely key will be chosen :return: completes the opt_arg to the most likely one """ # if opt_argument is smaller then 2 pass to prohibit multiple answers if len(self.opt_arg) < 2: pass abbr = str(self.opt_arg) possible_abbr = ["abuse-addresses", "admin-addresses", "feedback-addresses", "sales-addresses", "security-addresses", "support-addresses"] # searches the best match in the list of possible_abbr and completes the opt_arg to that self.opt_arg = [s for s in possible_abbr if s.startswith(abbr)][0] def process(self): # optional argument abbreviation self.opt_arg_abbreviation() # get etree from base xml iq = Et.fromstring(str(self.contact)) # check if query is a valid result query if iq.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query'): # only init result dict if result query is present result = dict() # extract query from iq query = iq.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query') # extract jabber:x:data from query xdata = query.findall('{jabber:x:data}x') # iterate over all nodes with the xdata tag for node in xdata: # iterate over all child elements in node for child in node: # if one opt_arg is defined return just that one if self.opt_arg in self.possible_vars: if child.attrib['var'] == self.opt_arg: # add section to result dict and append info result[child.attrib['var']] = list() for value in child: result[child.attrib['var']].append(value.text) # if node has a var attribute that matches our list process elif child.attrib['var'] in self.possible_vars: # add section to result dict and append info result[child.attrib['var']] = list() for value in child: result[child.attrib['var']].append(value.text) return result def format(self, query, target, opt_arg): self.contact = query self.target = target self.opt_arg = opt_arg result = self.process() # if result is present continue if result: text = "contact addresses for %s are\n" % self.target # if opt_arg is present and member of possible_vars change text line if self.opt_arg in self.possible_vars: text = "%s for %s are\n" % (self.opt_arg, self.target) for key in result.keys(): addr = ' , '.join(result[key]) text += "- %s : %s\n" % (key, addr) else: text = "%s has no contact addresses configured." % self.target # if opt_arg is present and member of possible_vars but the key is empty change text line if self.opt_arg in self.possible_vars: text = "%s for %s are not defined." % (self.opt_arg, self.target) return text