#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Plugin to monitor the amount storage to and from the specified nextcloud instance # # Parameters understood: # config (required) # autoconf (optional - used by munin-config) # Magic markers - optional - used by installation scripts and # munin-config: # # #%# family=manual # #%# capabilities=autoconf import requests import sys import os class NextcloudStorage: def __init__(self): self.config = [ # storages 'graph_title Nextcloud Storages', 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0', 'graph_printf %.0lf', 'graph_vlabel number', 'graph_info graph showing the number of storages', 'graph_category nextcloud', 'num_storages.label total number of storages', 'num_storages.info current over all total of storages', 'num_storages.min 0', 'num_storages_local.label number of local storages', 'num_storages_local.info current over all total of storage', 'num_storages_local.min 0', 'num_storages_home.label number of home storages', 'num_storages_home.info current over all total of storage', 'num_storages_home.min 0', 'num_storages_other.label number of other storages', 'num_storages_other.info current over all total of storage', 'num_storages_other.min 0' ] self.result = list() def parse_data(self, api_response): storage = api_response['ocs']['data']['nextcloud']['storage'] # append for every key in storage the key and the value if the key starts with "num" for key, value in storage.items(): if key.startswith('num_storages'): self.result.append('{k}.value {v}'.format(k=key, v=value)) def run(self): # init request session with specific header and credentials with requests.Session() as s: # read credentials from env s.auth = (os.environ.get('username'), os.environ.get('password')) # update header for json s.headers.update({'Accept': 'application/json'}) # request the data r = s.get(os.environ.get('url')) # if status code is successful continue if r.status_code == 200: self.parse_data(r.json()) # output results to stdout for el in self.result: print(el, file=sys.stdout) elif r.status_code == 996: print('server error') elif r.status_code == 997: print('not authorized') elif r.status_code == 998: print('not found') else: print('unknown error') def main(self): # check if any argument is given if sys.argv.__len__() >= 2: # check if first argument is config or autoconf if not fetch data if sys.argv[1] == "config": # output config list to stdout for el in self.config: print(el, file=sys.stdout) # if DIRTYCONFIG true also return the corresponding values if os.environ.get('MUNIN_CAP_DIRTYCONFIG') == '1': self.run() elif sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf': if None in [os.environ.get('username'), os.environ.get('password')]: print('env variables are missing') else: print('yes') else: self.run() if __name__ == "__main__": NextcloudStorage().main()