# Nextcloud Munin Plugin [![CodeFactor](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/mightybroccoli/nextcloud-munin-py/badge/master)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/mightybroccoli/nextcloud-munin-py/overview/master) Within this repository there are some basic Munin Plugins gathering information from the NextCloud external API. I choose to also include a multigraph plugin `nextcloud_multi.py` which does everything the other plugins dynamically. There are requirements for using a multigraph plugin which can be read up here : [Munin-Monitoring.org/multigraphing](http://guide.munin-monitoring.org/en/latest/plugin/multigraphing.html) ## install To use these plugins properly some configuration parameters need to be added to the plugin-config `/etc/munin/plugin-config.d/custom-config`. ``` [nextcloud_*] url = https://URL.TO.YOUR.NEXTCLOUD.tld/ocs/v2.php/apps/serverinfo/api/v1/info username = username password = password or logintoken ``` To install these plugins, you just have to symlink those plugins you would like to activate to the munin plugin directory eg. `/etc/munin/plugins/`. Or if you want to use the multigraph plugin only symlink that one the the munin plugin directory. After this has been done the munin-node needs to be restarted to facilitate the new plugins. `systemctl restart munin-node` It is possible to run the plugins in a virtual environment, for that the environment needs to be initialized and the required packages to be installed. ``` virtualenv -p python3 /path/to/your/venv pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### everything working? To check if everything is working as expected check if the plugins are listed and actually gather data. ``` telnet localhost 4949 # localhost or IP the munin-node list fetch nextcloud_shares.py num_fed_shares_received.value 1 num_shares_link_no_password.value 5 num_shares_user.value 13 num_shares.value 21 num_shares_link.value 5 num_shares_groups.value 0 num_fed_shares_sent.value 0 ``` If everything works as it should, list will return the symlinked plugins within the list of active plugins. ##### multipgrah plugin To check if the multigraph plugin is working correctly, it is necessary to first instruct the multigraph capability, before the `list` instruction will list the plugin. ``` telnet localhost 4949 # localhost or IP the munin-node cap multigraph list fetch nextcloud_multi.py multigraph nextcloud_shares num_fed_shares_received.value 1 num_shares_link_no_password.value 5 num_shares_user.value 13 num_shares.value 21 num_shares_link.value 5 num_shares_groups.value 0 num_fed_shares_sent.value 0 ... ``` The `fetch` commands will run the script and return the gathered values. As long as none of them are NaN everything works as expected. ### uninstall To remove the plugins from munin remove all symlinked plugins from the directory and restart the node.