#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # workflow # start options main.py --ejabberd/prosody --dry-run --outfile file import requests import sys import os import argparse import yaml class BlacklistImporter: def __init__(self, args): self.server = args.software self.outfile = args.outfile self.dryrun = args.dryrun self.url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JabberSPAM/blacklist/master/blacklist.txt" self.blacklist = None def request(self): # check if etag header is present if not set local_etag to "" if os.path.isfile(".etag"): with open(".etag") as file: local_etag = file.read() else: local_etag = "" with requests.Session() as s: # head request to check etag head = s.head(self.url) etag = head.headers['etag'] # compare etag with local_etag if they match up no request is made if local_etag == etag: with open("blacklist.txt", "r") as file: self.blacklist = file.readline() # if the connection is not possible use cached xml if present elif os.path.isfile("blacklist.txt") and head.status_code != 200: with open("blacklist.txt", "r") as file: self.blacklist = file.readline() # in any other case request a new file else: r = s.get(self.url) r.encoding = 'utf-8' local_etag = head.headers['etag'] with open("blacklist.txt", "w") as file: file.write(r.content.decode()) with open('.etag', 'w') as string: string.write(local_etag) def main(self): # first check if blacklist is updated self.request() if self.dryrun: # only output the selected software and outfile print("server software selected: %s" % self.server) print("outfile selected: %s" % self.outfile) if self.server == "ejabberd": # select ejabberd processing self.ejabberd() elif self.server == "prosody": # select prosody processing self.prosody() else: # in any other case exit sys.exit(3) def ejabberd(self): # check if file was altered local_file = yaml.load(open(self.outfile, "r")) remote_file = { "acl": { "spamblacklist": { "server": [] } } } for entry in self.blacklist.split(): remote_file["acl"]["spamblacklist"]["server"].append(entry) if self.dryrun: print(yaml.dump(remote_file)) elif local_file != remote_file: yaml.dump(remote_file, open(self.outfile, "w")) def prosody(self): pass if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-e', '--ejabberd', help='set server software to ejabberd', action='store_const', dest='software', const="ejabberd", default=None) parser.add_argument('-p', '--prosody', help='set server software to prosody', action='store_const', dest='software', const="prosody", default=None) parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help='set path to output file', dest='outfile', default=None) parser.add_argument('--dry-run', help='perform only a dry run', action='store_true', dest='dryrun', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() BlacklistImporter(args).main()