# TeamSpeak GroupAssigner ## Overview TSGroupAssigner is a module which allows to automatically assign server groups to voice clients, if they connect within a specified date range. ### example This small example could be called on the 23.12 to assign the group `24` to every voice client connecting to the server id `1`. The process will terminate gracefully when the configured date range is exceeded. ```python import datetime as dt import logging from TSGroupAssigner import GroupAssigner logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) creds = { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 10011, 'user': 'serveradmin', 'password': '5up3r_53cr37', 'sid': 1, 'gid': 24 } target = dt.date(year=2019, month=24, day=12) duration = dt.timedelta(days=2) GroupAssigner(date=target, delta=duration, **creds).start() ```