# Joplin UserManagement WebApi ## How To The Joplin UserManagement WebApi utilizes [url encoded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding) parameter to manage the Joplin userbase. ## create new user **Definition** `POST /joplin//create` **Arguments** - `"password":string` user password - `"invite-code":string` invite code to create an account ```json { "password": "password", "invite-code": "invite" } ``` **Response** - `201 Created` user creation succeeded - `409 Conflict` user creation failed due to a conflict - `422 Unprocessable Entity` one or more parameter/s were not given - `500 Internal Server Error` user directory creation failure **Example** ```bash curl --data "password=super_secret&invite-code=nachos" https://domain.tld/joplin/jim/create ``` --- ## update user password **Definition** `POST /joplin//changepw` **Arguments** - `"password": string` current user password - `"new_password": string` new user password ```json { "password": "password", "new_password": "new_password" } ``` **Response** - `200 OK` password change succeeded - `401 Unauthorized` the request was not authorized - `422 Unprocessable Entity` one or more parameter/s were not given **Example** ```bash curl --data "password=super_secret&new_password=5up3r_53cr37" https://domain.tld/joplin/jim/changepw ``` --- ## delete user account **Definition** `DELETE /joplin/` **Arguments** - `"password": string` users password ```json { "password": "password" } ``` **Response** - `204 No Content` user deletion succeeded - `401 Unauthorized` the request was not authorized - `422 Unprocessable Entity` one or more parameter/s were not given **Example** ```bash curl -X DELETE --data "password=super_secret" https://domain.tld/joplin/jim ```